Little Steps Childcare is n established professional childcare nursery located near Swansea. As a new venture, they required a great looking website to provide an overview of their newly renovated facilities, increase awareness of the new childcare nursery and to promote their brand identity.
The initial design brief was to develop a new brand identity, stationery and promotional literature. this would be developed alongside their new website.
Our designers first set off to research colours, shapes and everything associated with a nursery. Several design visuals were presented to the client and after some deliberations and iterations, an attractive, vibrant and modern logo was developed. Once the logo was chosen our web designers and developers then worked together to develop consistent theme for the marketing literature, stationery and website design.
The new website allows parents to view the new facilities, fees and location map. A bright vivid colourscheme was developed to provide a friendly, energetic and child-friendly feel to the website. This well designed website enforces trust and security so that the parents can feel happy in leaving their child with a highly professional nursery environment.
Over the last few years, the website has now proved to be a very successful marketing tool, with very high rate of enquiries and the website has since expanded with the child occupancy now being full. The website will be due for a re-build soon…